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Providing Everything You Need


Facebook and Instagram Ads

This package has a one month duration and  will include the following: 

  • Facebook Business Suite Account Setup

  • Three video ads (used on both platforms)

  • Three image ads (used on both platforms)

  • Three saved audiences 

  • Facebook Pixel Installation 

  • Split Testing between video and image ads 

  • Tips and Guidance about social media advertising 


Setting Up Business Accounts

The Following Services are purchased individually:

  • Facebook Business Suite Account

  • Facebook Pixel Installation 

  • Google Analytics Account 

  • Google my Business and Bing Places for Business

  • Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster 

White Structure
Making Music

Combination Package

This package includes each item listed in the Facebook and Instagram Advertising package and in the Setting Up Business Accounts section. The duration of this package is one month.

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